Rookie Golf Retreats

Girlfriends’ Golf Getaways.


The Rookie Retreat is for those who are longing to start on their golf journey or for those golfers who want to lift their game and become a more confident golfer.

Get a group of buddies together and we’ll spend our time on the golf course giving you your best results by working on the stuff that really matters… all this in one of the world’s favourite destinations, Queenstown 

We will work with each group to find out your levels and will tailor an itinerary to suit each group.  Proposed itinerary below.

4-day sample itinerary:

Day 1:  

Here your Kiss My Putt journey begins, and you’ll receive a unique session focussing on the short game and introducing a holistic approach to the golf swing… all at the picturesque Arrowtown Golf Club. 

Day 2: 

Your Kiss My Putt journey continues. We’ll head out on the golf course for some On- Course training where we’ll work on pre-shot routines, how to get out of tricky spots, what clubs to hit around the greens in different situations and so much more.

After golf you can head to Arrowtown where you can enjoy some free time exploring the shops and stores that range from decadent to divine.  This local treasure is where you’ll find some of the best dining and shopping in the country! 

Day 3:

Back on the range for some more work on our shots and practice all the things we’ve learnt. We’ll play 9 holes together afterwards putting it all together and helping you think your way around the golf course.

Evening drinks together where Janie will share with you some tips to make your time on the golf course less intimidating.  We’ll include etiquette, different scoring formats and a few key rules to help you along the way.

Day 4:

Over 18 holes you will have ample time to showcase all your new skills and soak up the stunning views of one of the most beautiful golf courses in the world - Queenstown Golf Club.


Find some buddies and plan your Rookie Retreat